Posted by walker from on January 27, 1999 at 13:06:02:
In Reply to: Unknown script posted by Seamus on January 27, 1999 at 12:23:52:
I also have the script and I believe that it is actually a copy of an early draft of Indy III that was relabled as IV in order to make it more of a hot sales item. The script, which was probably written in 1985 or 86 rather than 1993, is referred to in the large hardcover book "George Lucas: The Creative Impulse" available at most bookstores. Read the chapter about the making of Indy III and details of the script are noted therein. They match the script you have exactly.
Also, finish reading the script and you'll see a large number of parallels between that script and what eventually became the Last Crusade. It seems obvious that Lucas was interested in having Indy quest for immortality, and it wasn't until the script you have fell through that he turned it into a Grail hunt. Interesting progression, though. 1st movie is Jewish in theme, 2nd is Hindu, 3rd would've been Buddhist, I guess.
Anyway, there are some neat parallels between the script you have and Last Crusade. A few I can remember off the top of my head include Indy's search for the secret of immortality, a chase and fight on top of a giant Nazi tank and the death/resurrection of a major character (Indy/Indy's father). There are several others.
One last thing: I think the title for this may have been Indiana Jones and the Garden of Life, which most of us have seen floating around the Internet as well as being listed on Micah's Indy IV fact/fiction page. My only reason for believing this, however, is because that is where the climax of the script takes place -- in a magic garden of peaches. The magic peaches are what bring life (Indy is fed them after being shot in the heart), kind of like the Grail. Anyway, it's all based on ancient chinese myth, chronicled in a famous book called Journey to the West. (and made into several movies, cartoons, TV shows, etc.)
Sorry I went on so long, but I think it's a neat collector's item.