: I was taking a peek at Amazon's Indy titles and found a pecuiliar listing: Young Indiana Jones and the Mask of the Madman, by Megan and H. William Stine.
: At first I thought it was a mislabel - I thought they were referring to the FYF book "The Mask of the Elephant" by the same team, until I realized that book was not a Young Indy title. They had included a descripto of Young Indy and his cousin pitted against a villain named Dante.
: WHAT IS THIS BOOK? I don't think it was a number 16 to the initial series of Young Indy books, was it?: Someone please shed some light!
: Eternally grateful in advance,
: Tiga
Young Indiana Jones and the Mask of the Madman was going to be the very next book in the Random House Intermediate reader series after Young Indiana Jones and the Eye of the Tiger, but the publisher cancelled the title due to the line's slow sales. Low ratings on the Chronicles didn't help either. I believe that Amazon took their listing information from a publisher advance catalogue (which is where I first heard about it). These catalogues will project upwards of 6 months in advance. Amazon probably doesn't realize the book never made it to print since they are really just a book broker and not an actual giant bookstore.
So...just think, there is an unpublished Young Indy manuscript lying in a bin somewhere at Random House dusty and forgotten. Stinks, doesn't it.
As to the question regarding the Fielding's Indy survival guide I think the same situation applies. You will note a listing in Amazon for a hardcover edition published a couple years earlier. This too never made it to print. I believe the Fielding's guide listed with the Nov. '97 release date is the trade paperback version of the earlier release. I have checked with Fieldings and the title is NOT on their fall schedule, so don't get your hopes up. Sorry.