Posted by Bryan on August 27, 1997 at 18:15:33:
This post is in reponse to Adam from one of the FYF follow-ups:
Lucky you. I've been trying to find the Indy toys for years. I remember seeing them in Kay-Bees for several years after they were discontinued, but I never got around to getting them. I wish I had. They had almost all of the small figures except for Indy and marion. They also had a playset ( I think it was the Ark playset). I saw the 12 in doll once when Raiders first came out, but never saw it afterwards. That's the one I REALLY would like to have. I have almost everything Indy except for the toys. I'm stationed in Japan in the Air Force, so I even missed the INdy Micro Machine playset that came out not too long ago. I guess Indy isn't very popular here.