Posted by Adam on September 04, 1997 at 00:25:15:
The responses to the previous trivia contests were pretty surprizing...and now, with this new contest, you can win THE HOLY GRAIL ITSELF!
Well, at least a pretty damn cool replica of it, anyway. Indiana Magnoli, of PITA productions, will VERY generously be donating a hand made replica of the Grail, as featured in the third Indy film, to the winner of the contest.
The LAST CRUSADE trivia contest will tentatively be posted Saturday, September 28th, and will last for two full weeks. The deadline for entries will be Sunday, October 12th at 9 PM EST, 6 PM PST. You must direct your Emails to me (, with the answers CLEARLY next to the question numbers. (No breaking up columns, please -- just one long column on the left side.)
There is only one prize available. Scores will not be tallied until AFTER OCTOBER 12, giving more people an opportunity to play the game and do research.
There will be over 100 questions. While the main part of the game will focus on LAST CRUSADE, there will be an extensive bonus section on material from ALL films. This game promises to be the hardest one yet.
The person who answers the most questions correctly must have a certain minimum score in order to receive the HOLY GRAIL.
If by October 12th there are no prize-qualifying scores, then I will extend the deadline an additional week so you can do more research.
In the event of a tie between the highest qualifying scores, I will email those people several more questions, and the one who answers the most correctly will be deemed the prize winner. These people will have ONE WEEK from the date of my Email to respond to these questions.
Like the RAIDERS & TEMPLE trivia, many of these questions can not be answered by watching the film alone. Rather, it takes a collective knowledge of a variety of INDY materials to answer all correctly. In some cases, different INDY materials may contradict each other slightly (i.e.: the MASTERBOOK RAIDERS catalogue had some minor date errors when compared to those of the film script and novel), so I will take either such answer into account when this happens (this especially happens when a specific year is concerned). I want to be fair to you guys....
But for those of you who own the novel to LAST CRUSADE and think you can get away on these questions easily, know that I have specifically included questions that can NOT be answered by either the film or the novel adaptation...WHY HAVE I DONE THIS? Because I enjoy tormenting all of you. But because I'm such a nice guy, I've also included an extensive series of BONUS QUESTIONS, so that you can still get a few answers wrong and win the prize. (BE WARNED: These bonus questions are a tad difficult.)
Some things you may wish to study: The LAST CRUSADE film, script, & novel, the Indy comic book series, film reviews and interviews, the internet movie database, "From Star Wars to Indiana Jones -- the Best of the Lucasfilm Archives", "The Making of Raiders of the Lost Ark" by Derek Taylor, and the MASTERBOOK and TSR Indy game books.
Sometimes, my questions may seem a little ambiguous or confusing. Feel free to Email me with any questions or uncertainties. If I think it's appropriate, I'll help you out. I know these questions may be frustrating, but they are DESIGNED TO BE HARD. In fact, I had to look up many of these things myself before writing the questions don't lose heart. Oh yeah -- this is supposed to be fun, too. Even if you don't win the prize, you should have a good time...
But the Quest for the Grail is not just a trivia's a race against evil! If it is captured by some sick, twisted INTERNET USER, the hackers of darkness will march all over the face of Micah's WWW you understand me?
Stay tuned for September 28th...this will be my last trivia posting, so I intend to make it count!