Posted by Bryan on September 09, 1997 at 02:19:08:
In Reply to: Beloq sucks! posted by Jock Lindsey on September 09, 1997 at 02:00:03:
: Obivously, he's a regular using the name as an alias whenever he wants to start a fight and after reading teh fuedal nature of the posts between he and Ultra Seven 21 - it's clear he (Beloq) is responsible for much of the mess. In fact, he has so little posts and the only two I've read his replies too were both insulting. The Ultra Guy looks to have just lost his cool - when you read his other posts he deonst seem
: to indictivve asnd never foul mouthed it's sad the way Beloq attacked him first and THEN cited U-7 as the foul mouthed one. That's hypocrysy in action!!!!!
: I never saw Powdwer - I didn't know that was Young Indy! I 'm curious now: what do the rest of you think? Do I rent it? Any Good? Who's right? Is U-7 a stuffed bagpipe of hot-air? 'Orz jerky Beloq makin' more sense? Which do I sic Reggie on?
: Please - no replies from eithr of u guys - especially Beloq.
I saw Powder and it wasn't bad.