Posted by pachysaur on September 14, 1997 at 14:34:51:
who else besides me thinks that pan and scan movies should stop being made? i personally think it's a waste of video tape. You buy a movie that you really like and watch it over and over, when you're really missing 40 percent of the film do to modification. In jurassic Park pan and scan edition, alot of the CGI graphics are edited out because the movie has to be able to fit the screen. Yet, when you buy the widescreen/letterbox version, you get to see the origonal movie theater version that movie companys origonally wanted as their finished product. I say replace pan and scan to widescreen so we can really have the home theater effect that we all want.
p.s. Has anyone besides me noticed that most available dvd movies you can buy are in widescreen format? huh? didja?