Posted by Bryan on September 14, 1997 at 18:44:23:
In Reply to: Re: Indy Jones Widescreen/Letterbox trilogy posted by pachysaur on September 14, 1997 at 14:22:47:
: : : Does anyone know if paramount is planning on releasing the indy jones trilogy in widescreen format or if they already have? i've searched all over the place for a widescreen trilogy and all i can find are the full screen/pan and scan trilogys. BTW, if paramount is planning on rereleasing the indi trilogy will it be THX enhanced?
: : I read (I believe it was the THX site, but I can't remember) that THX is currently working on certifying an AC-3 dolby Digital version of the Indy trilogy. But the source stated it was for Laserdisc. I personally am hoping it will be DVD since paramount is now on board (and please don't let it be that pay per view DIVX crap)
: Thanks for the reply. Plus, i have a few questions. What is DIVX? i know almost everything about DVD but i know nothing about that. Also, do you have a dvd player? and if so, how much did you get it for? finally, do you know of a widescreen rerelease?
: :-)
Yes I have a DVD player. It is, by far, the best movie viewing format I have ever seen. I was a LD fan up until recently. I bought a Toshiba SD 3006 for around $550. To your other question, DIVX is a pay-per-view system designed for DVD that will be released next year. It lets you buy a disc for around $5 and you get a 48 hour viewing peiod. Afterwards, you have yto pay to view it again via a phone line connected to your player. The player itself will cost about $100 more than the average DVD player. It has very many people upset. Disney, Paramount, universal, and Dreamworks SKG have announced their support. Disney is the only one who has announced support for both DVD and DIVX. Paramount has been quite MUM about their involvement. (It is a well-known fact in the movie industry that Paramount has been trying to find a way to kill the VHS rental market for years becasue after their initial selling of videos to the video stores, they receive no added money, even though a tape may rent well for years. And to make this an Indy post, Paramount owns the Indy trilogy, and until they release some info about their DIVX and DVD support, we'll just have to speculate. It's my guess that newer releases will be available only on DIVX, and older movies, like the Indy trilogy and Star Trek series, will be released to DVD. The DIVX only titles will probably be released to standard DVD months later, after their pay-per-view status has fallen. Sorry to take up so much space on this in the Indy forum, but it does indirectly relate to Indy (or it will very soon.)
P.S. Just to let you know, DIVX has come under harsh criticism and is predicted to be dead on arrival when it debuts mid 98.