Posted by Micah on September 15, 1997 at 05:35:31:
In Reply to: Err, Sorry Folks posted by Kent Brockman on September 14, 1997 at 15:35:43:
: I didn't mean to be wasting space, but none of those messages had posted by the time I had written my third (being oh humanity). I would have thought my Testing # 2 header would have made that clear. It seemed to be that since Micah had created board 2 that none of my posts were making it. I just figured I'd add a little creativity than jus tthe usual (testing) - and if hay, I reminded someone of my wacky moments and made them smile, how could it possibly be a waste of space?
No problem. It's just that there were quite a few posts that had me scratching my head.
A new post always appears on the front page.
You may have been looking at page 2. Page 2
is etched in ... er marble it will never update.