Posted by Kortan on September 21, 1997 at 00:10:30:
In the current issue of Toyfare magazine, they talked about the Histoy of the Indy Jones figures, they talked about how the Kenner Line failed and the unproduced LJN Prototypes of the Short Round and Willie Scott figures and the mine car playset (someone out there has these!!) They also speculated as to why the toylines may have failed, And how in Spielbergs contracts from every action/adventure movie he made from RAIDERS to Lost World he would get 10 percent of the merchandising especially action figures... He made 16 million from Jurassic Park toy sales alone!
The article also goes on to talk about the Upcoming 4th INDY Picture and chances are good for a new line of figures given the overwhelming collector interest.
they also Mentioned that Spielberg had no desire to make Temple of Doom, but he did it because he promised Lucas he would make 3 films. And There wasnt a Huge Push on TOYS because of the darker tones of child slavery and torture and was too intense for children under 12. And That Spielberg said he made Last Crusade to Apologize to his fans for making "Temple of Doom"
Anyways there are some good closeup pictures of Indy and Ceremonial robe Belloq and a listing of all the Toys and Prototypes ever made.