Posted by Indy *Anna* Jones on September 21, 1997 at 13:34:31:
Hi! This is my first time here. Is this a good forum?
I bet so! NEway, I am a Star Wars fan and an Indianna
Jones fan (both R produced by that genius Gorge Lucas).
Well, a VERY big Star Wars fan but Indianna Jones
Trilogy is next.... IJ&TTOD is my fave of the trilogy
(besides what I consider the best plot, Indy takes his
shrt off). What got me interested in Indy in the 1st place
was defenatly the fact that he is, well, HOT!!!!!!!!
NE1 else think so? Of COARSE others think so, its pretty
obvios..... Well, I'd like 2 meet some of U, so W/B!!
***Indy Anna Jones***PS- R we alowed 2 post pics in
this forum????