Posted by fip[s on September 22, 1997 at 11:02:38:
In Reply to: HERE IT IS! The INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE trivia contest! posted by Adam on September 20, 1997 at 01:26:29:
: And here it is....
: T H E F I N A L T R I V I A C O N T E S T
: Good luck!
: Please read "TRIVIA RULES AND PRIZES" before playing...There was not enough room on this page to include everything here.
: _____________________________________________________
: (A: 17 questions; B: 33 questions; C: 17 questions; D: 13 questions; E: 20 questions; F: 20 bonus questions)
: _____________________________________________________
: A. I N T R O D U C T I O N -- T H E Y O U N G I N D Y S E Q U E N C E
: 1. At what year does the film open?
: 2. How old is Indy in this sequence? (One of two answers accepted.)
: 3. What is the name of Indy's fat young friend? (Sorry -- how else can I describe him?)
: 4. Name the actor who plays the "Fedora".
: 5. The location for the opening LAST CRUSADE shots was in "Monument Valley", immortalized in several film westerns by another celebrated American filmmaker. Who was this filmmaker?
: 6. In regards to this other "celebrated American filmmaker", explain the deliberate homage that exists between him and Indy as seen in the YOUNG INDIANA JONES CHRONICLES?
: 7. Where is the Jones family home during this sequence (name of state)?
: 8. What was the name of Indy's mother (first name only)?
: 9. Where was the mother born (name of state)?
: 10. What year did she and Henry Sr. marry?
: 11. What year did the mother die?
: 12. How did she die?
: 13. What other film did Harrison Ford and River Phoenix star in together?
: 14. How does Indy get his scar?
: 15. In real life, how did Harrison Ford get his scar?
: 16. The "Cross of Coronado" is named after what 15th century explorer? (Looking for the FULL name -- it's three words, with the Spanish "de" before the last word)
: 17. What was this original explorer looking for?
: B. U. S. A. & V E N I C E
: 1. What year does the rest of CRUSADE (with Harrison Ford) take place?
: 2. How many years -- chronologically within the films -- have passed since the previous Indy adventure, and the events with Ford in LAST CRUSADE?
: 3. How many years (within reality) had passed between the U.S. releases of the second and third films?
: 4. List ALL the INDY movies in their chronological order (in terms of storyline), from first to last.
: 5. The story of LAST CRUSADE differs chronologically from Lucas' initial plans for the INDY series in 1981. Briefly explain how.
: 6. What is the name of the actor who plays the American villian, Walter Donovan?
: 7. This actor (from #6) had a relative of his play a small cameo role in the film. Who was this relative?
: 8. Who did this relative play?
: 9. This actor (again, from #6) also starred opposite Charlton Heston and another, young SPIELBERG-alum in a cable television movie based on a classic novel. Who was this now up-and-coming young actor?
: 10. In which Spielberg film did this young actor star, and have the leading role?
: 11. 12. The actor who played Walter Donovan seems to have an affinity for villians, having played bad guys in two other MAJOR film franchises. Name these two franchises. (A "franchise" example would be "the SUPERMAN series", or "the JAWS series")
: 13. 14. Name the SPECIFIC FILM from each of these franchises in which this actor starred.
: 15. This actor (again, #6) was a next-door neighbor in London to which INDY executive producer?
: 16. This executive producer had originally recommended the actor for which role in LAST CRUSADE?
: 17. Indy and Elsa meet KAZIM, one of the BROTHERS OF THE CRUCIFORM SWORD. But the actor who played Kazim was asked, years ago, to audition for ANOTHER role in a previous INDIANA JONES movie. What role was he asked to audition for?
: 18. Why -- according to him -- did he probably not get the part?
: 19. The first marker that Indy reads in Donovan's apartment is part of a large shield, broken in two. What were Donovan's men originally excavating for when they discovered this piece?
: 20. The grail was originally "Entrusted to Joseph of __________________." (Spelling does not count.)
: 21. What subject does Henry Jones Sr. teach at an unnamed northeastern university? (More than "Grail lore")
: 22. What was this unnamed (at least in the film) university?
: 23. Marcus Brody was also in the first INDY film. What is his exact position in relation to the museum?
: 24. What is the name of Indy's secretary?
: 25. According to the materials on INDIANA JONES AND THE LAST CRUSADE, at which college does Indy teach?
: 26. And, according to LAST CRUSADE, which state was this college located in?
: 27. There is a MAJOR CONTINUITY ERROR between the LAST CRUSADE novel & script, and the RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK novel & script; it involves the name and location of the college and museum Indy works in. Undoubtedly, Indy's classroom -- featured in the first and third films -- is exactly the same. But according to the original materials from RAIDERS, the name of Indy's college is completely different than in CRUSADE. What was it in the first film?
: 28. And, according to RAIDERS, which state was this college located in?
: 29. The actress who played ELSA SCHNEIDER also starred in another long-enduring and successful MAJOR film franchise, featuring yet another multi-world-saving hero. What film franchise was this?
: 30. Name the specific film from this franchise/series in which she appeared.
: 31. Henry mailed his Grail Diary to Indy, c/o his college address. GIVE THE COMPLETE ADDRESS AS LISTED ON THE ENVELOPE as it appears typed on the film's prop (spelling counts).
: 32. DONOVAN was not the original surname of the CRUSADE villian in the initial script. What was the original last name before it was changed? (Look to LAST CRUSADE set design pictures for a clue.)
: 33. CRUSADE features a major film "flub" (technical error) in the Venician library, involving one of the Roman numerals. What is this obvious flub?
: C. T H E R E S C U E O F H E N R Y J O N E S, S R.
: 1. When the idea of using Sean Connery in the role of Indy's father came about, Harrison Ford said to the press that he had only one slight reservation (other than possibly being upstaged or having to share top billing). What was it?
: 2. Henry made a map in his diaries, with detailed directions to the location of the grail. All he lacked was one thing: the name of the city. What was this city? (It's original name--spelling doesn't count.)
: 3. What present city is built on its ruins?
: 4. What reason does Henry Sr. give to explain how he knew Elsa was a Nazi?
: 5. What is Indy's real name? (If you don't know this, you REALLY need to go to the movies.)
: 6. What CITY is the castle located in, where Henry is kept by the Nazis?
: 7. What is featured on Indy's lighter?
: 8. What are the serial numbers listed on the side of the bi-plane Indy & Henry use to escape?
: 9. When Indy & Elsa reach the castle, the butler says that if Indy's a Scottish lord, than he is "Mickey Mouse." This was added on in post-production. What person/thing did the butler originally say he was?
: 10. When exactly was the First Crusade (give year) and who proclaimed it?
: 11. Who was quoted as saying, "I can't play opposite someone called 'Doody' you know what that means?"
: 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. (SIX POINTS.)
: According to LAST CRUSADE's telling of the legend, there are six degrees or levels of awareness in the Grail quest -- each degree is represented by an animal. Name ALL the animals, in order (THREE POINTS), and what they each represent (THREE POINTS).
: D. S P A I N a n d R E C O V E R I N G T H E G R A I L
: 1. What is "the name of God"? (No, you don't need to worry about spelling or the Latin alphabet.)
: 2. "The _________ man will pass...the _________ man will pass..." (One answer; same word.)
: 3. According to Henry's cryptic diary, the three grail challenges he describes to Indy on the Zepplin are:
: "First, the __________ of God..."
: "...second, the __________ of God..."
: "...third, the _________ of God..."
: 4. In the FILM, what was the make of car that Donovan gives to the sultan?
: 5. In the NOVEL, what was the make of this car?
: 6. Finish this old University Club Toast: "Genius of the Restoration..."
: 7. That damn LATIN ALPHABET made Indy mistake one letter for another. He stepped on the wrong letter-stone and FELL INTO AN ENORMOUS CAVERN. But this was not the original BAD OUTCOME filmed during production; the "bottomless-cavern" image was added in post-production, because the first BAD OUTCOME didn't give the necessary chill to the audience. What THING (one word) was this original BAD OUTCOME?
: 8. What actual location was used as the lost city for the CRUSADE finale? (One word; not ELSTREE or SHEPPERTON)
: 9. What other fantasy/adventure film of the last twenty years used this location for filming?
: 10. The tank at the end of the film required the crew to reconstruct a replica of WHAT KIND of German tank? (Be specific.)
: 11. In which war was the original tank used?
: 12. How many of these tanks did the Germans build for this war? (Yes, I KNOW these are hard, obscure questions.)
: 13. When our heroes find the lost city, it seems pretty darn silly -- they just waltz on into the cavern! It's a small wonder why the "lost" city was lost for so long. But there was a filmed scene not included in the final cut which made this sequence more believeable and logical. What exactly happened? (Just a few words will do.)
: E. P R O D U C T I O N a n d T H E I N D I A N A J O N E S F I L M S
: 1. The late Derek Taylor wrote "The Making of Raiders of the Lost Ark." Taylor was well-known for being a longtime publicist to a European rock group. What was this rock group?
: 2. Late actor Denholm Elliott, a longtime film and theater veteran, was nominated for an Oscar for his performance in what film from the 1980's?
: 3. Which COMIC BOOK SERIES (actual issue title name) briefly "flashbacked" to the end moments of LAST CRUSADE, with Indy and Henry thinking about the Grail?
: 4. Name the two comic-book companies which produced INDY titles in the United States.
: 5. What film beat out LAST CRUSADE for the 1989 U.S. domestic boxoffice?
: 6. What day was LAST CRUSADE released nationwide in America? (Month, day, year.)
: 7. Give the FIRST & LAST name of the artist who made the LAST CRUSADE poster/video illustrations in America.
: 8. What was the highest-grossing film of 1989 internationally?
: 9. Indy's first adventure was released in 1981. What other major epic film from that year dealt with the legend of THE HOLY GRAIL? (Not "TIME BANDITS")
: 10. Terry Gilliam, of MONTY PYTHON fame, made another film somehow involving the premise of the GRAIL after LAST CRUSADE was released. What was it?
: 11. When Lucas & Spielberg initially flirted with the idea of the would-be adventurer, "Indiana Jones" was NOT the original name for the character. What was it?
: 12. In the late 1970's, Steven Spielberg had seriously campaigned to direct a film for a very successful franchise, but was turned down by the producers. (!!!!!) It was from this that Lucas offered him another story that was "something better". What was the film franchise that Spielberg first wanted to work on?
: 13. Two leading INDY film actors worked on films with the great English director, Ridley Scott. What were these films? (Two answers.)
: 14. Other than Harrison Ford, one actor appeared in credited (non stuntman/non-extra) roles in both RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK and STAR WARS. Who is this actor?
: 15. Poor Karen Allen never got a break. Even after the wretched filming with all those damn snakes, she still had to put up with Steven Spielberg's pranks. What horrible thing did her do to her while doing the film's sound recording?
: 16. What do INDIANA's and WILLIE's names have in common? (Other than they're both "professional names")
: 17. Paul Freeman (Belloq) said once that his attraction to the RAIDERS script was from a specific thing: "Any film with THAT in it can't be all bad." What was he referring to?
: 18. Someone of the INDY series once daringly said, "Steven (Spielberg) and I are not the best of friends. He looks at actors as part of the scenery." Who said this about the usually-praised director?
: 19. In an early draft of the script for RAIDERS, Toht was designed to have a special mechanical arm that could fire bullets. What legendary film character served as the inspiration for this initial idea?
: 20. Who was Lucas' first choice for the role of Henry Jones, Senior -- when the character was still in a more "scholarly" stage?
: F. B O N U S Q U E S T I O N S -- T H E I M P O S S I B L E I N D Y T R I V I A
: 1. Well, during CRUSADE, I couldn't help but be reminded of Monty Python's little escapade for the HOLY GRAIL. Their other film, LIFE OF BRIAN, ended with an uplifting little song -- what was the name of this song? (Yeah, it ain't INDY related, so that's why it's a bonus question.)
: 2. During the filming of the Well of the Souls sequence in England, the daughter of a WORLD REKNOWNED DIRECTOR was horrified at the alleged "bad treatment" of the snakes. After her telling dad about this incident, the director was quoated as saying, "Steve's a jerk." (The RAIDERS crew quickly improved the conditions for the snakes afterwards.) Who was this legendary director?
: 3. & 4. Two actors of the INDIANA JONES films played villians not only to INDY, but to SHERLOCK HOLMES in two films as well. Who are these actors?
: 5. & 6. What were the names of these two Sherlock Holmes films?
: 7. & 8. Two actors of the INDIANA JONES films also played the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES in two films as well. Who were these actors?
: 9. & 10. What were the names of these two films?
: 11. The actor who played DIETRICH also played a Nazi in a horror/fantasy film. It was directed by the guy who made a very cool cop show and a very cool cop movie. What was this horror/fantasy film?
: 12. What 1980's film with Richard Gere also featured the ARK of the Covenant?
: 13. The actor who played CAPTAIN KATANGA in RAIDERS had a small role in a science-fiction/fantasy film based on a long-running comic book series. What was this film?
: 14. Karen Allen, perhaps the actress of the INDY films to have the most respectable career on the stage and screen, won a major theatre award for her performance in a stage play inspired by the life of Helen Keller. What was the name of this play?
: 15. Everyone knows that Tom Selleck was the first choice to play Indiana Jones, but because of MAGNUM P.I. he couldn't do it. But -- according to one Spielberg biographer -- what is NOT widely known was that Lucas & Spielberg had actually decided to use Selleck AFTER testing Harrison Ford several times. Unfortunately for the filmmakers, Ford eventually found out this information -- and was justifiably furious. How did Ford learn that he had initially been turned down for the role?
: 16. Elstree Studios was where the "Well of Souls" set was built. It occupied a specific stage where, immediately before RAIDERS, another famous movie set had been. Name the film.
: 17. & 18. Before Karen Allen answered a nationwide casting call for the role of Marion Ravenwood, two high-profile actresses were originally offered the part. Both turned it down. Who were these two big-name brunette actresses? (Two answers; Amy Irving is NOT one of them.)
: 19. Name the artist (FIRST & LAST NAME) who did the teaser, videocassette/1982 rerelease poster art for RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK.
: 20. For a close-up shot of a snake almost biting Marion's leg in the Well of Souls, a stand-in was used for Karen Allen. What was the name of this person?
: I hope you guys enjoyed these trivia questions...I sure enjoyed making them. This will indeed be the LAST trivia contest I post -- at least until the hopeful release of INDY IV -- so I hope you all enjoyed it. Special thanks go out to Indiana Magnoli, again, for donating the Grail replica (and for the record, he's playing the game like everyone else; I won't give him any clues or answers), and to Micah Johnson, for letting posts like these be possible.
: T H E E N D ! ! ! !
: Adam rides off into the sunset...and falls off his horse whilst the RAIDERS MARCH plays.