Posted by Indy Anna Jones on October 15, 1997 at 14:12:13:
Guess who I'm gonna B 4 Halloween?! Indianna Jones! LOL!
I have the Fedora from Lucas Film's catalog, the bullwhip
I got in Mexico (that looks EXACTLY like him, I'm proud
2 say!), and even a leather Webley (thats the kind of
gun Indy carries) holster like Indy's got! The rest
(Khaki pants and shirt) aren't hard 2 come by so I'm all
set! LOL! NE1 else gonna B Indy 4 Halloween?
I was first goinf 2 B Boba Fett, then I was going 2 B Han
Solo, then I setteled on Indianna Jones. LOL!
***Indy Anna Jones***
Talk about HOT!!!!!!!!!!! LOL!