Posted by Brett (Maverick) Lambert from on October 15, 1999 at 19:36:33:
In Reply to: SO WAS I!!!!!! Disppointed as anything!(NM) posted by Short (Wookie) Lambert on October 15, 1999 at 19:05:46:
Again no offense to Goodsport, but I was EXTREMELY letdown by the outcome of the Stranger on the Plane story, it started out so great and that got bogged down by WAY TOO MANY characters, it was almost impossible to keep up with (partly the reason why my Chapter 55 was so screwed up in terms of continuity), and the brother revelation at the end. COME ON!!! Please! And how can it be written that I am Brett Round and Short Round is Short Lambert, when 5 years later in this timeline in Shorty's fan fic, it's discovered that all three of us are Lambert Bros. And people thought my Chapter 55 didn't make sense....