Posted by Goodsport from on October 15, 1999 at 21:01:32:
In Reply to: I'm with both of you! posted by Brett (Maverick) Lambert on October 15, 1999 at 19:36:33:
: Again no offense to Goodsport, but I was EXTREMELY letdown by the outcome of the Stranger on the Plane story, it started out so great and that got bogged down by WAY TOO MANY characters, it was almost impossible to keep up with (partly the reason why my Chapter 55 was so screwed up in terms of continuity), and the brother revelation at the end. COME ON!!! Please! And how can it be written that I am Brett Round and Short Round is Short Lambert, when 5 years later in this timeline in Shorty's fan fic, it's discovered that all three of us are Lambert Bros. And people thought my Chapter 55 didn't make sense....
: -------------------
Makes any more sense than Sauron (who's literally a demon!!! Don't believe me? Read the 'Lord of the Rings' books) coming back in a cloning machine?!? And later wrestling with mortals and being beat up by pipes (or something to that effect)?!? He's NOT like Emperor Palpatine in RoTJ, who was a man who gave in to the Dark Side... actally in the Tessa story, Saruman (a.k.a. The Chosen) would fit that category. Sauron, on the other hand, IS (or WAS, since he was destroyed) the Dark Side (or at least the embodiement of it!), and the only reason why he didn't go out to do to the entire world what Tessa did to us in the volcano (she was under the influence of the One Ring of Power) was that he needed that Ring. Why, you may ask? Again, read the 'Lord of the Rings' books!
And how the heck did the Phoenix Group (a super-secret U.S. Government espionage agency, nothing bigger than that) and the Dark World Order (basically, a secret group hiding behind Nobody's Corporation... hence, his Corporate building in Chicago and not a military base!!!) both go from secret organizations to becoming the Army, Navy, Air Force and Marines all rolled up into one??? How would NATO even allow that to happen??? And in only five years?!?!?
And Indiana Jerico not the Faramir from the 'Lord of the Rings'? Or Aragorn going back to Valinor as the Aragorn from the 'Lord of the Rings' books??? Go read Chapter 40 (for Indiana Jerico/Faramir) and Chapters 16 & 40 (for Aragorn)!
And a DWO pilot being shot down by the Chinook helicoptor as it was entering Valinor. Uh... no! That was a pilot of the Russian Navy following the orders of a Russian aircraft-carrier captain under the influence of the Mafia. Notice that Nobody needed to ask (actually, pull a favor) for the Mafia's help for those planes to stop the helicopter? A far cry from the DWO having their own air power, I would say!!!
Don't get me wrong, Short Round's story is exciting and well written... but don't be saying that the final chapters of the Tessa story are any more inconsistent than the DWO story. On the contrary... I researched the Tolkien books AND the past Chapters of the Tessa story before writing the final chapters. Trust me, the last few chapters of the Tessa story fit!
The one thing I may have goofed on was what Shorty had mentioned to me before... he asked me how Brett and him were switched in the maternity ward if they were ten years apart. HUH?!? When in the Tessa story were the ages (or even age group) of Brett and Indiana James ever come up??? That was never written or even implied to (and the fact that Brett did *AHEM* with a stewardess inside the one-person bathroom of a commercial airplane still doesn't necesarily reveal age - not these days, unfortunately)... even though Shorty's age was never actually revealed in the story, he made it clear out of the story that he was 13/14 or so. That NEVER came up with the Brett and Indiana James characters. Perhaps an explanation for that could be written in the next chapter of Shorty's DWO story... perhaps Sauron (before he died) had appeared to Indiana James Lambert as Gandalf and lied to him... thus in truth, you three really ARE brothers (of course, that would mean that the three of you are either Brett Lambert/Indiana James Lambert/Short Lambert or Brett Round/Indiana James Round/Short Round... you three are brothers, after all!). Be creative!
The Tessa story didn't have too many characters, and that wasn't the problem. The problem was that once everyone got into Valinor (after Chapter 54), it seemed like since almost none of the authors were familiar with 'The Lord of the Rings' universe, they started writing about everything except Valinor. Not their faults, I guess, although a whole chunk of the story beforehand dealt with finding Valinor. As a matter of fact, that Valinor was added into the story actually gave it a direction and a purpose, which quite frankly made things clearer (otherwise, why were we all running around in the beginning of the story? Why was Tessa being sought after? Etc.), which was pretty Indiana Jones-ish at times!
And in the end, Shorty won the heart of the beautiful Michaela (Micki) Jones (Indiana Jones' granddaughter, for crying out loud!), and Goodsport went home quiet and alone. So what does Shorty have to complain about?!? :D
Sorry if I sound harsh - I just wanted to clear up any confusion about the Tessa story (if there was any)! In all fairness, I can overlook the questionable points in the DWO story if you can the questionable stuff in the Tessa story... after all, according to Chapter 64, the whole Tessa story was just a dream.