Posted by Tom Gunn from on November 27, 1999 at 23:09:04:
Gotcha. This isn't an actuall story, but it ought to be. Whether you are a believer or not, you can't deny the huge story possibilities offered up by the Book of Mormon. Just for starters, artifacts and discoveries could include
The sword of Laban
The Ramiemptum
The Liahona
The Urim and Thumim
The Golden Plates (or the records it was compiled from)
or even the sacred stones carried by the brother of Jared (shades of the Shankara stones, but pretty cool, nonetheless)
There are some awesome story possibilities here. If you writers want to contact me abou this stuff, please do. If you are a member and know what I'm talking about. GET TO WORK. I may do it myself, but I have enough on my plate trying to write serious fiction that reaches for the status of literature. Call me pretentious, I don't care. Just throwing out the idea.