Posted by the Fiddler from on December 06, 1999 at 06:20:40:
In Reply to: Indiana Jones and the Sword of Laban posted by Tom Gunn on November 27, 1999 at 23:09:04:
: Gotcha. This isn't an actuall story, but it ought to be. Whether you are a believer or not, you can't deny the huge story possibilities offered up by the Book of Mormon. Just for starters, artifacts and discoveries could include
: The sword of Laban
: The Ramiemptum
: The Liahona
: The Urim and Thumim
: The Golden Plates (or the records it was compiled from)
: or even the sacred stones carried by the brother of Jared (shades of the Shankara stones, but pretty cool, nonetheless)
: There are some awesome story possibilities here. If you writers want to contact me abou this stuff, please do. If you are a member and know what I'm talking about. GET TO WORK. I may do it myself, but I have enough on my plate trying to write serious fiction that reaches for the status of literature. Call me pretentious, I don't care. Just throwing out the idea.