Posted by Tessa from on November 28, 1999 at 17:44:06:
In Reply to: Lauren's Quest chapters 17 and 18 posted by Tessa on November 28, 1999 at 17:39:31:
: Chapter 16
: Indy grabbed his whip, gun, and firmly put on his hat. He just pulled on his jacket when Michael and Shorty came in.
: ìWhereís the fire, Dad?î Michael asked.
: ìNo time to explain. Just come on!î Indy said.
: They piled into the rented car they had gotten, with Shorty at the wheel, ìWhere to, Doctor Jones?î
: ìGo straight out into the country, by Stonehenge,î Indy said.
: Eric and Michael looked at each other and then looked at Indy, ìDad,î Eric asked, ìWhere are we going?î
: ìTo pay a visit,î Indy replied, ìWith a friend of mine.î
: ----
: Lauren and Anthony looked over the material as Anthony said,
: ìThis is impossible, Lauren. Do you actually believe Excalibur exists?î
: ìOur lives are at stake,î Lauren replied, ìItís existence is vital,î as she reread the material.
: ìBut the sword is claimed to be buried with King Arthur. And we donít know where he is buried.î
: ìIt says right here,î pointing to the page, ìHis body with Excalibur was buried to sea.î
: ìYou mean into the Atlantic? Thatís thousands and thousands miles of the ocean! Weíd be better off finding Titanic!î
: Lauren smiled and said, ìThereís another body of water where the sword can be.î
: Anthonyís eyes widened and said, ìYou donít mean the Lady of the Lake?î
: ìThatís exactly where I believe Arthurís body is kept as well as Excalibur,î she said, ìBut first we have to get out of here,î looking out for a way to escape.
: Chapter 17
: The Joneses and Short Round approached a medieval castle on the outskirts of Stonehenge. Indy pulled on the rope to ring the bell as Eric asked,
: ìDad, who lives here?î
: The butler opened the door before Indy could reply, ìMay I help you?î the butler asked.
: ìI would like to see Thomas Raleigh,î Indy commanded, ìItís a matter of life and death.î
: The butler ushered them in as Michael said, ìTom Raleigh? The professor from Barnett?î
: ìHis parents are Lord and Lady Raleigh,î Indy replied, ìHe is the only heir to Raleigh estate.î
: ìDoes Lauren know?î Eric asked.
: ìNo,î Indy said, ìAnd youíre not going to tell her. Tom made me promise not to say anything to her until he was ready to tell her.î
: Tom showed up a moment later, ìDr. Jones!î looking pleased, ìAnd Eric and Michael. What brings you to England?î
: ìItís complicated,î Indy said, ìThis is my friend Mr. Round.î
: ìShort Round,î Shorty said defiantly.
: ìWhatís going on?î as he looked from Indy to Shorty, ìAnd whereís Lauren?î
: ìSheís exactly why weíre here,î Eric said, ìSheís been kidnapped off the London streets with Anthony Brody.î
: ìBrody?î Tom said in surprise, ìIsnít he related to your old friend, Marcus?î
: ìHeís his great-uncle,î Indy said, ìNow Tom the reason weíre hereÖî
: ìIs to know about Excalibur!î Michael exclaimed, getting the hint.
: ìExcalibur?î Tom said, ìBut Dr. Jones, youíre a forthmost archeologist. You should know everything about Excalibur.î
: ìExactly,î smiling at Tom, ìAnd we know that the legendary Lady of the Lake is on your grounds.î
: ---
: Lauren and Anthony looked around for a way out. ìLauren, itís pointless,î he said, ìThey're brick walls. We need a jackhammer or something to get out.î
: Lauren had an idea and banged on the door, ìHelp! Please!î
: ìQuiet in there,î the guard yelled.
: ìPlease, sir. Thereís a huge rat in here,î doing her best shrilling voice, ìAnd it bit Mr. Brody in here. It might be poisonous.î
: The guard sighed as Lauren stood at the side of the door and mouthed to Anthony, ìPretend youíre dying of agony.î
: Anthony listened and held onto his leg as the guard came in, ìNow what seems to be the troubleÖî
: Lauren kicked the guard unto the ground. The guard turned around to charge at her and she kicked him. The guard went flying into the wall and slumped unconscious.
: ìNice work,î Anthony said as Lauren went to retrieve the guardís gun and keys.
: ìThanks,î smiling, ìNow letís go,î as she peered out into the hallway.
: ìWait a minute,î Anthony said as he switched clothes with the guard, ìWe wonít get passed the other guards by just walking out of here.î
: ìGood thinking,î as Anthony changed and then held onto Laurenís arm, ìWeíre going to have to pretend that Iím taking you to Joey.î
: Lauren nodded as they walked down the corridor. They then heard Joeyís voice, ìBring me the girl! Now!î
: Anthony and Lauren frantically looked for a way out as they heard, ìCome here. Inside quickly.î
: They followed the voice and saw an old man, ìThis way. I will get you out,î as he opened a door.
: Reluctantly, they followed the man into the room. He pointed to the doorway at the end; ìIt leads outside.î
: ìBut who areÖî Lauren started to ask.
: ìPlease no questions. Go!î the man said.
: ìCome on, Lauren,î Anthony said as they went through the door. As soon as they were in, the doorway and the man disappeared.