Posted by LFM from on February 09, 1999 at 18:52:58:
In Reply to: How 'bout computer-enhanced? posted by BMan on February 09, 1999 at 16:18:56:
: : I once said a while ago about making a computer-generated Harrison Ford and everybody said I was crazy. Actually I am but now I think about it again, the computer technology is not good enough to create a living man but it is already possible to create dino's (Jurassic Park, Godzilla, MIB,...) because they ask less details. Maybe it's possible next year?
: : We never know...
: : Just my opinion fellow Indyfans!
: : -Webley-
: Prior posts reveal that I've long been an advocate of having a computer-enhanced Harrison Ford in the next Indy film.
: It's not entirely without precedence. Thanks to non-linear filming, Corey Carrier's apearance changed considerably during the filming of YIJC. ILM had to work its magic to keep his appearance consistent.
: Why can't they do something similar to HF? They could just erase those age lines from his face, and voila- Indy in his prime.
: Just a thought. If they can animate Jar-Jar, the can re-animate Indy.
: BMan
Lines and wrinkles are just as sexy as a clear face. If that's all they wanted Harrison for, for being sexy I mean, he wouldn't have a hard job at all. He'll still be able to do a full sprint at 60. He'll be ok. And don't even joke about him dying Mithrandir. I'd cry so hard.