Posted by Mithrandir from on February 09, 1999 at 20:35:36:
In Reply to: Re: How 'bout computer-enhanced? posted by LFM on February 09, 1999 at 18:52:58:
: : : I once said a while ago about making a computer-generated Harrison Ford and everybody said I was crazy. Actually I am but now I think about it again, the computer technology is not good enough to create a living man but it is already possible to create dino's (Jurassic Park, Godzilla, MIB,...) because they ask less details. Maybe it's possible next year?
: : : We never know...
: : : Just my opinion fellow Indyfans!
: : : -Webley-
: : Prior posts reveal that I've long been an advocate of having a computer-enhanced Harrison Ford in the next Indy film.
: : It's not entirely without precedence. Thanks to non-linear filming, Corey Carrier's apearance changed considerably during the filming of YIJC. ILM had to work its magic to keep his appearance consistent.
: : Why can't they do something similar to HF? They could just erase those age lines from his face, and voila- Indy in his prime.
: : Just a thought. If they can animate Jar-Jar, the can re-animate Indy.
: : BMan
: Lines and wrinkles are just as sexy as a clear face. If that's all they wanted Harrison for, for being sexy I mean, he wouldn't have a hard job at all. He'll still be able to do a full sprint at 60. He'll be ok. And don't even joke about him dying Mithrandir. I'd cry so hard.
As immortal as he is in society, he isn't immortal in the true sense of the word. A lot of people didn't want Jimmy Stewart or Frank Sinatra or Robert Mitchum to die and they did. But I'm not a morbid idiot. Live on, Harrison!!
Make sense to anyone? Understandable if it didn't.
Check six.