OK, Great

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Posted by Abner from user-38ld5i8.dialup.mindspring.com on March 12, 1999 at 10:15:24:

In Reply to: Bring it on posted by Micah on March 12, 1999 at 06:32:34:

: : I, and several others, have given some very good information that should be posted in either of these locations so you don't have to go searching through the archives.
: : Trying to say you some time Regards,
: : Groo

: That would be great. The reason that X Marks's content has become dated is that I personally don't know much about the Indy attire beyond the jacket, and don't have the same passion that others around here have for it. Effectively, the torch had been passed to Diggs...

: However, I would very much like to update X Marks with all the latest info. I just need some help doing it...

: --Micah

OK, Let's make a list of things to add...

I suggest at leat the following

The Studio- for the Zippo Lighter
What Price Glory- For the bag
and The Stetson Outlet posted by Groo for hats

and a link to

which is a good comparison of the many different hats


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