Posted by Goodsport from on June 04, 1999 at 08:51:44:
I've had the computer CD game "Indiana Jones and the Fate of Atlantis" for a few months now, but until recently my soundcard (an old Ensonique(sp?) sound card) would only play the music without the sound effects or voices - even with the Fate of Atlantis patch. Thus, I had to make do reading the speech-text. I solved the game using the Wits path (but not the Fists path or Team path yet), but something felt missing!
I then got myself a new sound card (SoundBlaster Live!), and with the Fate of Atlantis patch, a whole new world opened up (I didn't get the new soundcard just for Fate of Atlantis - I just needed it in general)! No longer was there text, but instead I could hear the voices of Indy and Sophia and all the others, as well as the sound effects (i.e. the crashing of Indy through the window in the opening sequence, etc.)! Now I'm playing through it using the Wits path again, and then will play it using the other two paths (Fists and Team).
I know this sounds pretty goofy, but actually having the voices and sound effects makes all the difference, and makes me feel like I'm actually playing in an Indy movie (with the added bonus that it's an original adventure)!
Has anyone else had this experience, having to play the game first just in text, and then later getting the full sound out of it? I was just curious.
Also, to anyone whe finished the game using all three paths - which path was your favorite, and why?
P.S. = The game pays homage to one of the many film noir classics that inspired Indiana Jones... in Omar's house in Algiers, when Indy looks at the Black Bird statue, he says something to the effect of, "So that's the stuff that dreams are made of!", which is a variation of the last line of "The Maltese Falcon!". Very cool!