Posted by Captain Katanga from on August 19, 1999 at 02:33:48:
Channel 4 in the UK is showing "Secret History Special: Hitlers Search for the Holy Grail" tonight at 8:30. The tv guide listing describes the program as
"The true story behind Raiders of the Lost Ark. Such was Hitlers obsession with the idea of the Third Reich and re-establishing the German master race of myths and legends that he had archeologists scour the world for ancient power objects to prove the stories true. Archive footage includes material from excavations in Persia, the Anartic and Venezuala. the Nazis even used acient mythology to justify their extermination policies. Frightening"
(The guy who writes for the newspaper I got this review from is a big movie fan, he seems to have got some inspiration for his writing from somewhere familiar to us!! :o)
For you guys in the states, Channel 4 the most "cultural" of the uk stations and is renown for its excellent documentries, this series has been fantastic. A few weeks ago they a report into the accidental "friendly fire", killing of allied soldiers who were rehersing D-Day landings in Devon, England. That story really brought a lump to your throat, hopefully the integrity of the material and research will be just as good for this program.
I'll tape it and report tommorrow (with some pics if they're good)