Posted by Captain Katanga from on August 19, 1999 at 14:28:29:
In Reply to: "Secret History Special : Hitlers Search for the Holy Grail" tonight on Channel 4 in the UK. posted by Captain Katanga on August 19, 1999 at 02:33:48:
I've just watched this program and I can't emphasis enough how moving and frightening it was.
It did not cover the Hitlers quest for the grail specifically but showed how Hitler launched
a series of massive archealogical expeditions to try and prove the origin of the Aryan people.
Some of the images of German scientists on digs in the deserts of the then Persia and Venezula are
so close to those seen in Raiders its scary.
The program went on to show how Himler established an order based on a round table of teutonic
knights centred in a castle in the black forest close to the site where King Henrich the first
defeated the Romans in around 100 AD, he called these knights the SS!! (Himler really thought
he was King Hendreich the first re-encarnate). He saw this place as the centre of the new
aryan world (It looks exactley like the castle seen in The Last Crusade!!).
The program showed Hitlers drive to re-write history using archeology and create a false history
with his twisted vision of the German people as the racial fathers of the world at the centre and
highlighted the fact that many eminent german scientists and archeologists fell under his spell
and were willing to ignore the atrocites of the holocaust in order to have the chance to carry
out their own work.
If you can get it on video its a fasinating and chilling true story. When Major Eaton says in Raiders
that "Hitler's a nut on the subject" it's no joke, its terrifyingly true.
PS I've grabbed some pictures that show the German archeologists in action but I'm not sure how to post
them, if someone could tell me I'd be grateful. There is one picture of a group in front of a Tri-motor /
Junkers type aircraft that could be a still from a piece of Raiders that never made the movie!!!! The
men shown look just like the suited Germans that pursue indy through the streets of Cairo. The
research for the movie must have been very well done.
PPS Please check out under "Secret History" for more information.