Posted by ROB T. from on September 26, 1999 at 04:56:00:
Okay everybody, let's suppose that NASA was going to send you alone into deep space for a year to study climate conditions in orbit around Jupiter. They've allowed you to take a few personal items along with certain restrictions; NASA is financing the venture by publicizing your love for Indy so you are allowed to take along three items.
1 indy video of your choice.
1 Indy novel.
1 Indy collectable; fedora, whip, jacket, etc.
What would you take and why?
Here's my choices...
"Raiders" on video, no explanation necessary.
"Indiana Jones and the Hollow Earth" because it's the only Indy novel I've read so far.
the Indy doll from Toy Syndicate to kill time with since I'll be alone. If I were gonna be with other people I'd pick the Wested.