Posted by Rob Roy from on May 22, 1998 at 09:51:39:
In Reply to: Alexander posted by Troy on May 21, 1998 at 23:05:57:
: I just finished watching the PBS documentary 'In the Footsteps of Alexander' and I had an idea of a good Indy adventure. I wonder why no thought to the tomb of Alexander was given. According to the ancient chronicler Diodorus Siculus, Alexander was put in the temple of Ammon at Memphis, Egypt. Later his glass sarcophogus was moved to Alexandria. I know the t.v. show Macgyver did a bit on this years ago but, it fell far short of historical accuracy and reality.
: Diodorus also goes on to describe the funeral portments of Alexander in considerable detail. I think an Indy adventure based off of this information could make a good story. There is so much more to Alexander's legend, however, it would be a good place to start. Maybe an interesting forum novel???
: ---Troy
: "Kratisto"
I find this idea very interesting. What kind of "mythical" significance would there be attached to discovering Alexander's lost tomb? Maybe it is rumored that it wasn't his great leadership that won him so many victories, but an artifact of great power, unknown to his enemies. Without treading on "Oracle at Delphi"'s storyline, maybe that can be tied in.