Posted by GCR from on December 19, 1999 at 23:00:40:
Ok, I know what you're thinking, what the hell does the subject line have to do with Indiana Jones? Well...nothing really. BUT, this post DOES have something to do with Indy, as well as WOMEN, well actually, only one woman. That woman is my girlfriend, and she and I have been having a heated debate lately about a certain scene in Last Crusade. You see, I was watching LC again to do some research for a discussion I had been engaged in with Mr. Ultraman Tiga (a rather interesting topic as well, trying to decide who was a better young Indy, Phoenix or Flannery, along with discussing some of Indy's character traits etc, but that is a different story...), and since my Girlfriend and I get together primarily on the weekends, we decided to watch it together. Now, she is also a bit of an Indy fan, although no where near the Indy fan I am, and we have both seen LC before (obviously, I have seen it a hell of a lot more than she has, but anyway...) and the last time we watched it, we got into an argument over the scene in the begining where the "Fedora" character places his hat on to young Indy's (Phoenix) head. SHE insists that the hat he places on young Indy's head is the same hat he (Indy) wears through out all his adventures. I had to disagree, for the following reasons:
-The shape of the hat is different
-The size of the hat is different
-The ribbon size is different
-The color is Different
-Basically, the whole damn hat is different.
-similar style, different hat, etc. etc...
Now, I know a fur felt hat can be reshaped, as well as the fact that the shape of the hat in the films changes from movie to movie, and within movies as well, so that takes care of the first reason. As to the size, I mean the dimesions of the hat as well as the actual hat size (ie 7 1/4, 7 3/8 etc.) I am also aware the hat can be streched or steamed to change the size slightly. The ribbon is also easily changable, do you get a different color? It just seems too unlikely that if Indy were given this hat, he would change it so drastically, especially if the hat meant so much to him. And, if Lucas were trying to convey that the hat(s) were the same, why would he choose one so different? I simply think Lucas wanted to explain where Indy got the idea for his hat, not the actual hat itself. He probably bought it at a hat shop, same as everybody else. After all, if the "fedora" guy did give it to him, than it wouldn't really be "Indy's" hat, now would it? Anyway, any help to settle this dispute would be VERY MUCH APPRECIATED. If the overwhelming majority says it was the same hat, or if someone presents evidence to that effect, I am man enough to admit my mistake, but until then, I still say it wasn't the same hat.
Anyways, she is "positive" it is the same one, she says the scene doesn't make any sense if it wasn't the same hat.
PLEASE HELP ME!!! I can't even SPEAK about Indy around her now without bringing this up!!!