Posted by ROB T. from on December 20, 1999 at 03:47:23:
In Reply to: WOMEN!!!(can't live with 'em, can't live without 'em, blah blah blah...) posted by GCR on December 19, 1999 at 23:00:40:
The gist of your girlfriend's opinion seems to be that Indy has one fedora from 1913 all the way through "Last Crusade." This would mean that he also wears the same hat (the one given to him at 13 in "Last Crusade") in the other two films. She is wrong here and this is why.
First, men of some affluence (like a college professor) in the 1930's had several hats; one for everyday wear, one for dressier occasions. We see Indy wear two separate fedoras in "Raiders." He wears a darker dress fedora when he gets on the plane headed for Nepal and we see this hat again at the end when Indy stands on the steps in Washington talking to Marion.
In fact, I'm sure that Indy wears three fedoras in "Raiders" since I think the first one we see (in South America) is beyond saving by the time the opening sequence is over. We see it get soaked in nasty river water then get wind dried aboard Jock's plane. By the time Indy gets home that fedora is ready for the trash. His jacket is beyond help at that point too.
If your girlfriend needs some authoritative proof that Indy has more than one fedora point her to the novelization of "Raiders." It says that Indy loses his hat and his whip when he is floating on top of the submarine.
So if the fedora that he gets at 13 is his favorite then it doesn't make much sense that he would wear it during his adventure in "Last Crusade" but leave it home during his earlier adventures.
Hope this helps.