Posted by DrJones from on January 26, 2000 at 14:08:13:
Good afternoon all,
Before venturing out for my afternoon classes, I thought I would
throw out a hypothetical to everyone on the forum.
In the latest issue of the Star Wars Insider Rick McCallum says
something to the affect of;
"the whole impetus for doing another Indiana Jones film was George. He has a brilliant idea" (Not an exact quote, but close enough)
Seriously, what do you think that this is? The facts of the matter
is that we DONOT know MUCH of ANYTHING about INDY IV. The only thing
I know for a FACT is that Spielberg has said that the Villain won't be Nazis, and other than that.. the rest is tabloid rummor, the truth be told.
So I throw it out to the forum, any hypothesis are as to what this brilliant idea entails? I am still confident we will one day sit in the theaters and see our man Indy in another thrill packed adventure.