Posted by graml from on January 26, 2000 at 15:12:45:
In Reply to: What do you think George's BRILLIANT idea is....SERIOUSLY For ALL posted by DrJones on January 26, 2000 at 14:08:13:
: Good afternoon all,
: Before venturing out for my afternoon classes, I thought I would
: throw out a hypothetical to everyone on the forum.
: In the latest issue of the Star Wars Insider Rick McCallum says
: something to the affect of;
: "the whole impetus for doing another Indiana Jones film was George. He has a brilliant idea" (Not an exact quote, but close enough)
: Seriously, what do you think that this is? The facts of the matter
: is that we DONOT know MUCH of ANYTHING about INDY IV. The only thing
: I know for a FACT is that Spielberg has said that the Villain won't be Nazis, and other than that.. the rest is tabloid rummor, the truth be told.
: So I throw it out to the forum, any hypothesis are as to what this brilliant idea entails? I am still confident we will one day sit in the theaters and see our man Indy in another thrill packed adventure.
Hey. Maybe George is thinking of an Indy-Star Wars crossover! I'm sorry, I know you were expecting relatively serious answers. Anyhow, I'm guessing it might involve Red China. Why not? Ford's still the right age to play Indy circa 1949-50, and an older, wiser Short Round might make a handy sidekick. (I wish WE had an older, wiser Short Round at this forum...) I'd like to add that this is all conjecture on my part.