Posted by graml from on August 13, 2000 at 17:24:08:
In Reply to: Re: Probably not... posted by New Jersey Hughes on August 13, 2000 at 16:50:15:
Just kidding, NJ. I always felt that Raiders and Last Crusade were very similar in the whole "Nazis trying to take over the world" thing. I didn't find Temple's treasure as vital to world security as either the Ark or the Grail. But then, that's probably due to the fact that my only knowledge of Hinduism really comes from Religion 101 two years ago back in college. There just seemed to be more at stake in Raiders and Last Crusade. I suppose if lingham stones had been presented to me at an early age as sources of divine power (like the Ark and Grail had), I'd see Temple differently. But we're all products of our environment, no? Good issue you've raised!
: Not trying to start an argument here, but do you really feel that RAIDERS and LAST CRUSADE share the same scope? I agree with your comment abot TEMPLE OF DOOM, but as Indiana Jones is, at it's heart, an homage to those old serials of yesteryear, I don't see that as a bad thing, entirely.