Posted by New Jersey Hughes from on August 13, 2000 at 20:20:57:
In Reply to: That's it! Let's argue! posted by graml on August 13, 2000 at 17:24:08:
Very interesting POV, graml. I only brought it up, because my personal big beef about Mr. Lucas' trilogies is that the third installments all seem to borrow heavily from the firsts. It makes it look like Indy's business card should read "Stops Nazis from Taking Over the World Via the Acquisition of Ancient Relics". Have you ever read any of the posts in this forum that talk about Nazis being in Indy 4, since it'll have to be about an older Indy and well-past WWII? It concerns me that a lot of people see Indy just as a guy who beats up 'lousy goose-steppin', sausage-eatin' Ratzis' for a living, and that their absence in an Indy film would be as great a let-down as Indy not wearing his hat.
One of the reasons I enjoy TEMPLE OF DOOM so much is BECAUSE it doesn't use Nazis as the foil, rather than in spite of it. Wouldn't it be boring if every Indy story was about Nazis, and the stakes were always Total World Domination? I think it'd sure take some of the luster off of RAIDERS...
And as for scope, I'm personally not fond of my movie heroes 'saving the world' every time out. I think drama and conflict are what you do with them, regardless of whether it's the world at stake, or slave children or whatever. A good story is a good story, regardless of the prize, or the stakes, or the 'MacGuffin'.
I believe RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK is the best action film ever made, and it's two sequels (while not quite in its class) are great, enjoyable, fun films. I like TEMPLE OF DOOM's seedier aspects, paying lurid homage to its sensationalistic serial roots more so than any of the other films. It's DIFFERENT.
And while I love LAST CRUSADE to death, without Sean Connery and the father-son conflict, LAST CRUSADE is pretty much a retread of RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK. Donovan is a less charismatic Belloq; Elsa is tough, but not quite as charming as Marion, and the Holy Grail isn't nearly as powerful or dangerous as the Ark of the Covenant. We have Nazis doing various no-good Nazi stuff to obtain a Judeo-Christian artifact that will help them topple civilisation as we know it unless our hero can stop them. Which film am I describing- RAIDERS or LAST CRUSADE?
Guess I was ready to argue, hunh, pal? Oh, well. Just one man's opinions. Thanks for responding, bud! It's fun disagreeing when two people can intelligently discuss and respect each others opinions and not act like juvenile Internet retards...