Posted by MK from on October 01, 2000 at 11:50:53:
Indiana Jones jacket NEVER looked new. In the idol temple it looks quit new, but take a look in the opener, when he is looking at the map. The cuffs are showing wear. Of course the jacket ages through the film. The one thing that neither Wested nor FS has is a TRUELY distressed looking jacket. I don't care for Wested's destressed leather. It looks like the funky jackets I used to see in Hollywood in the 80's and FS has no aged leather to offer from what I saw. It seems to me that it should be a simple task. When the leather is being tanned, why can't there be two shades of brown used? This would create a variation in color. Otherwise I will stick to the acetone technique. As a make-up artist, I have done this for years on prosthetics to simulate skin tone. Granted it maybe a little more labor intensive, but I for one would like to know if it is a possibility. Perhaps Patterson can recon this for us. Speaking of Patterson. I am grateful for his efforts (and whoever else was involved) for this new avenue for jackets.