Posted by Greg from on October 10, 2000 at 00:47:26:
Alright it seems to me like a lot of people have some good ideas as to people who could possibily carry on the indiana jones character and keep it up to par with what we are accustomed to.
But the real question is would the likely producers/directors/etc..etc.. be open to this possibility? 2) Would they listen to the fans if there was enough support for this?
Ok I also understand that the young indiana jones with flannery are obviously prequels, and while they are not terribile movies in and of themselves, they never seemed to connect like the(Real) movies do, it just seemed like there was always something missing. When I mentioned that they should possibily do a prequel, i was thinking along the lines of something like..Indy's first adventures..say with Ravenwood..his subsequent first meeting with Marion and the history that followed into Raiders..something like that
Please give me your opinions...Lets start a movement or something :)