Posted by Indiana Jimmie from on October 30, 2000 at 09:56:44:
In Reply to: My Halloween party didn't go so well either..... posted by DirtyFrank on October 30, 2000 at 00:00:32:
Holy Cow!!
The first time I was drunk, and trying to crack a whip, was back in '89.....
The whip flew wrong on one of the throws, and SNAPPED BACK (don't ask me how), and hit me in the face, just below and above the left eye.
I now sport a nifty whip scar under my eye that took five stitches to close, and a smaller one in the eyebrow above that took two stitches. I had a shiner for a few weeks. Cut the cheek open to the bone.
Pretty funny now that I look back on it, but I DO now fully promote eye protection!!
Indiana Jimmie
: The party itself was great, my costume was okay (best I could put together in a limeted amount of time....Miller hat, Mk VI, and a descent 12 foot whip...the 50 buck variety)....the rest of my costume sucked...old leather jacket, dockers, and a walmart safari, at least everyone knew who i was......then I got drunk and passed out in the front yard....I puked a lot....prolly the mixture of 15 beers 5 jello shooters and a few glasses of hootch (with ever(vision not so)clear, to-kill-ya, and vodka.....but everyone liked my costume, and I didn't hit anyone when I drunkenly cracked my whip....-DF