Posted by the Fiddler from on October 30, 2000 at 14:45:23:
In Reply to: Re: My Halloween party didn't go so well either..... posted by Indiana Jimmie on October 30, 2000 at 09:56:44:
: Holy Cow!!
: The first time I was drunk, and trying to crack a whip, was back in '89.....
: The whip flew wrong on one of the throws, and SNAPPED BACK (don't ask me how), and hit me in the face, just below and above the left eye.
: I now sport a nifty whip scar under my eye that took five stitches to close, and a smaller one in the eyebrow above that took two stitches. I had a shiner for a few weeks. Cut the cheek open to the bone.
: Pretty funny now that I look back on it, but I DO now fully promote eye protection!!
: Indiana Jimmie
: : The party itself was great, my costume was okay (best I could put together in a limeted amount of time....Miller hat, Mk VI, and a descent 12 foot whip...the 50 buck variety)....the rest of my costume sucked...old leather jacket, dockers, and a walmart safari, at least everyone knew who i was......then I got drunk and passed out in the front yard....I puked a lot....prolly the mixture of 15 beers 5 jello shooters and a few glasses of hootch (with ever(vision not so)clear, to-kill-ya, and vodka.....but everyone liked my costume, and I didn't hit anyone when I drunkenly cracked my whip....-DF