Posted by texas Jake from on December 03, 2000 at 03:16:58:
"There was this friend of Mine on talkcity that said they Sell Indy Jones
jackets out of England but They really call them "gram1 buttskin jackets" so
LucasFilm won"t suE them oVer copywrgiht inFringemnets. itried going to but nothing loads. I hear that the woman who runs this place,
Micah Johnson, is able to comE in cantact with the owNers of The gram1
jacekts so maybE sHe couLd give the linK to the site of teh phine qualtiy
jackets. iwould likE to order one 4 my son, junior (whose 7) whoe loves indy
and sallah but not nerely as much as gram1-type leather!
thank you so much for your time and patient
Texas jake (i voted 4 BusH!!!)