Posted by Fedora from on December 03, 2000 at 09:23:48:
In Reply to: is This the place wHer I can order thE gram1 buttskin jackets? posted by texas Jake on December 03, 2000 at 03:16:58:
: "There was this friend of Mine on talkcity that said they Sell Indy Jones
: jackets out of England but They really call them "gram1 buttskin jackets" so
: LucasFilm won"t suE them oVer copywrgiht inFringemnets. itried going to
: but nothing loads. I hear that the woman who runs this place,
: Micah Johnson, is able to comE in cantact with the owNers of The gram1
: jacekts so maybE sHe couLd give the linK to the site of teh phine qualtiy
: jackets. iwould likE to order one 4 my son, junior (whose 7) whoe loves indy
: and sallah but not nerely as much as gram1-type leather!
: thank you so much for your time and patient
: Texas jake (i voted 4 BusH!!!)