Posted by John Jones Stork from on October 03, 1998 at 10:44:18:
I was siting and brading my training short whip, tv is on, and "Xena" was in it ( don`t you guys think that I watching this shit, I was focused on braidng ).Suddenly with one eye i saw a scene - some chest is laying on a table and a man is opening it, a light comes from the chest, the men is trying to escape and fire comes thru his body. Xena is coming to the chest, puts up a tablet from it and reads: "Five - Do not steal - it looks like some righst.", and the man wich is with her says: "Who could stend rights like thous?" and laughs ( he was positive character ).
First - this was quotation from "Riders" because special effect was very similar to "Raiders" effect from final scene and evrybody can recognize that this chest was Ark of Alliance. I DO NOT AGREE WITH QUOTATIONS LIKE THIS IN SUCH BAD MOVIES! It was horrible! Sucs!
Second - The Arc is a symbol of relligion and thous rights are symbol, too. They shouldn`t laugh from it. This showns that they have no respect. I`m not very relligious, but I have respect to people wich are. Things like this shouldn`t exist in modern world, are they?
What do you guys think?
Very angry