Posted by Michaelson from on October 04, 1998 at 09:59:09:
In Reply to: "Xena" sucs! posted by John Jones Stork on October 03, 1998 at 10:44:18:
: I was siting and brading my training short whip, tv is on, and "Xena" was in it ( don`t you guys think that I watching this shit, I was focused on braidng ).Suddenly with one eye i saw a scene - some chest is laying on a table and a man is opening it, a light comes from the chest, the men is trying to escape and fire comes thru his body. Xena is coming to the chest, puts up a tablet from it and reads: "Five - Do not steal - it looks like some righst.", and the man wich is with her says: "Who could stend rights like thous?" and laughs ( he was positive character ).
: First - this was quotation from "Riders" because special effect was very similar to "Raiders" effect from final scene and evrybody can recognize that this chest was Ark of Alliance. I DO NOT AGREE WITH QUOTATIONS LIKE THIS IN SUCH BAD MOVIES! It was horrible! Sucs!
: Second - The Arc is a symbol of relligion and thous rights are symbol, too. They shouldn`t laugh from it. This showns that they have no respect. I`m not very relligious, but I have respect to people wich are. Things like this shouldn`t exist in modern world, are they?
: What do you guys think?
: Very angry
: John
Well John, let's look at it at a different angle...duplication is the supreme sort of flattery, whether it is to copy directly from the original, or even if it is a parody to make fun of the "seriousness" of the original item. It keeps the original in the current thoughts of the folks seeing the parody. Heaven forbid that someone sees what you saw, and not understand what it was from! Horrors! That means if Indy doesn't come to mind, then he's been out of the public's eye to long and is no longer considered an item to earn money from. Bottom line, he "dies". So don't be to hard on these folks. It's been done before over the years, and it will be done again. Regards. Michaelson