Posted by graml from on October 20, 1998 at 10:03:29:
Greetings, fellow Indy pundits,
Those of you who remember the short-lived Young Indy TV show
no doubt remember that old Indy (played by George Hall, arguably
the best non-Harrison Ford actor to play Indy) was missing an eye.
Any ideas on how or when this happened? We know Indy had an eye as late as 1950, when Harrison Ford (with both eyes presumably
in working order) played middle-aged Indy in YIJ and the Mystery of
the Blues. Was it gouged out? Shot out? Or what? I hope none of
you are eating as you read this. I know that in the grand scheme of
things that this is a kind of petty question, but I'm still interested in
what others think about it. Pecked out by a nefariously trained eagle
has my vote. Thanks for your time.