Posted by Indiana Dog from on May 02, 2001 at 13:47:52:
Tryin' to make this short . . .
Sent a jacket back, post office lost it, filed a claim, come home one rainy afternoon and find my jacket returned and lying in a puddle by my mailbox in the pouring rain. Needless to say the jacket was ruined.
Take it to the post office to file a full refund claim, they send it to NY and now they tell me that they will send me the jacket back and I'll just have to try to still get my refund through Wested. Wested (and I don't blame 'em) won't even consider taking back a jacket 6 months later that has ink all over it (from the writing on the box running all over it) Post Office says they don't consider themselves at fault and I won't even go into the reasons of how they f'd up.
So, is my Congressman my last hope? Do I throw bricks through every post office I can get to until I feel my refund has been taken care of in glass replacement. jk by the way. I just don't know how the Congressman could help.
Sure could use some advice. You know I always wanted to rob a bank, now maybe I'll just rob the PO. But then again, is it 'robbing' when I'm just takin' what's mine?
This is all very frustrating!!!!!