Posted by Rundquist from on June 19, 2001 at 16:12:20:
A lot of people on this forum have put George Lucas down in the
past. Most of us, I believe are upset that he hasn't given us more
Indiana Jones movies. But in all fairness, George doesn't owe
us a thing. Indiana Jones is his creation. I'm not saying that I
wouldn't have loved to see more Indy movies in the past number
of years. I'm not saying that it is not we the fan that have made
George Lucas and his movies a success. I'm saying that George
Lucas is an artist. He has the right to create his art on his own
terms. Don't spite him for being an artist. He makes good on his
word. Many fans didn't believe he would ever finish Star Wars.
He's doing it. Many fans believe he has been jerking them
around with the release of The Phantom Menace on DVD. He
has always maintained that he wanted the release to be special
with plenty of extras. The expanded DVD is now on it's way. He's
made Star Wars and Indiana Jones available on tape to placate
the fan until he could give the DVD releases the attention they
deserve. When the Last Crusade came out, all involved said it
would be the last one. Now the big three have changed their
minds. Ford might be older than many of us fans would like, but
no one is twisting our arm to go see Indy 4. But mark my words,
it is coming. We should rejoice. Until recently, Lucas has been
raising a family. That is where the inactivity has come from. He's
been inactive in the fan's eyes, but he's been busy with his own
life. We should cut the guy a break. Just my two cents. Regards,