Posted by Be-LOSCH from on July 04, 2001 at 03:11:54:
Regarding A.I., my first thought is an obvious one that I'm sure is voiced my many others: something like "The respective sensibilities of the two filmmakers (Kubrick and Spielberg) don't mesh cohesively." Eww! I just sounded like a two-bit critic writing for The Ploughkeepsie Herald-Star, but I think most people would agree with that. Early on, this movie's Kubrick-like and "cold," (and perhaps it was unnecessary for Spielberg and the cinemetographer to "overstate it" by bathing everything is a cold blue haze. Others might find that it enhances the mood. To each their own.) But later, the "uplifting" conclusion is INCREDIBLY contrived and tacked-on. Spielberg has "done the alien thing" before, and much better, in the magnificent CE3K.
But here, we have the 'alien' voice the banal line "We want you to be HAPPY!." And how about that TORTURED explanation for why a human clone only lives one day? Because - what is it? - 'human memory is imprinted upon the space-time continuum ,' - something like that? And the rest is something loosely paraphrased as 'a clone, drawing from that memory, will not wake up once they fall asleep' Why, of COURSE! Not that I neccessarily BELIEVE that human experience is imprinted on the fabric of space, but if it WERE, it would naturally follow that clones only live one day! Simple logic! .....whatever. That kind of thing reminds me of the old Star Trek, where they'd have to establish a "time-limit" for suspense, and it would result in dialogue like "Captain! The cosmological cohesion of the two universes is degrading due to the tachyon pulses, which gives us only...24 HOURS to get out of here!"
Anyway, Spielberg used to tap into genuine feelings that were child-like, but not childish. Now that he's middle-aged, tackling material that has more adult and challenging elements, he's just falling back on something
INFANTILE. It pains me to say it, but that's the impression I get. Anyway, bear in mind this is all strictly IMHO territory, so don't take it the wrong way if you do indeed like AI. Peace.