Posted by agent5 from on July 31, 2001 at 14:05:17:
I read your post and was wondering what kind of mannequin you have? I too want to display my gear on a mannnequin. I want a full size plastic male mannequin and I will glue on black felt to the open areas, such as the face,neck,and chest. I will put Wells Lamont gloves on the hands so they won't be seen. They did this for the mannequins at the Star Wars exhibit in Chicago and the Smithsonian. It gave the mannequins a really classy look, like a museaum piece. I don't think a cheesy caucasian plastic mannequin looks like HF, so I think the felt will be classier. $25 is a steal, but I'm guessing its one of those wire hanger models since you said you are going to do some work to it with plaster. Just wondering? Also, I love your idea on distressing the Aldens. I just got mine 3 days ago and I can't stand how new they look! If you have any pics, would you be so kind as to post them, I would love to see your whole display. Thanks in advance, AGENT 5.