Posted by Marhala Bartender from on August 14, 2001 at 16:58:43:
In Reply to: Re: I love that scene! posted by Briede on August 14, 2001 at 13:23:58:
I see just as many people being taken advantage of in America under the name of Christianity. I, myself, was once a Catholic but when I was old enough to decide, I went for no religion. I live in a rather small town, for the moment, and the local newspaper is literally filled with ridiculous Christian opinion columns that order people to adhere to certain beliefs- issues in the news such as abortion, human cloning, even the right to practice scientific research! It almost angers me to watch as the church, or moreso just certain people in power within the church, command their practitioners to adhere to what they feel is right and wrong. Very little of the decisions made today have answers that Jesus gave. Instead, the church speaks for him.
As the movie Dogma pointed out, and what all Christians should be aware of, is that Jesus had alot to do with opening your mind and being compassionate to your fellow man. Yet the church has warped people's views to the point where violence and war is justified, where it is still fine for most Christians to preach about forgiveness and understanding while protesting the rights of homosexuals and telling them they're going to hell. It has come to the point where people aren't following Jesus' way, they are following the Church's interpretation of it- which sometimes isn't even close to what Jesus was about.
Unfortunately, the church has strayed far from its foundations and often serves no more than to submiss the masses, make them unthinking sheep, and disallow free thought and questioning of the world around them. Christianity is not the only one guilty of this, but since I have more experience personally with this religion, I feel I shouldn't make judgements on other religions.
I should stop rambling on like this. I could go for days. I've been in so many discussions and debates with people over religion since my being an atheist is strange where I'm from. It's hard to convince people that humans are capable of great things without the aid of any deity, but it's fun and interesting to try.
The Barkeep.