Posted by Dr.Brody from on July 01, 2000 at 03:21:06:
: Since Indy's shoulder bag is the equivelent of Batman's utility belt or Green Arrow's quiver, what does he keep in the darn thing anyhow? My list is as follows: sometimes a Browning P-35(had a spare handgun in Raiders, But not in TOD or LC), red and green notebook, brush, Glasses case(has to put 'em somewhere), matches, spare whip poppers, compass and map,sandbag, some spare ammunition and a black necktie. Feel free to add to or modify this list, and we'll see where this project goes. Should be fun! Oh, I should add three men and a small boy to carry it, but strangely enough, it usually looks empty and light! Regards, Dr.Brody